Mission and Vision


To share the life-changing, powerful good news of Jesus Christ around the world, through Gospel preaching, free educational services, and through various charitable activities.


To make disciples of Jesus Christ through Bible College training and Church planting.

Our Recent Live Events!

What if You Could

Save a Soul from Thirst?

You May

by providing a Water-Well!

Watch Now!
What if You Could

Win Souls Through Us?

You May

by Partnering With Us!

Watch Now!

The Three-Phase Plan


Why evangelism? It is a responsibility of every believer to share the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.


The command of Jesus Christ is to make disciples while sharing the goodnews of Jesus Christ.

Plant Churches

The purpose of discipleship is to ultimately plant a church by sending the disciples out.

The GHM Projects

We understand the importance of charitable activities. What these activities will do is "enable" us to establish a relationship with the community. This is a major step - building relations in order to share the Gospel with the community.

By reaching one community, we will reach another with the help of that community which already received help, both for physical needs and spiritual needs. The projects of GHM have a single purpose - to build the Church by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Gospel Heritage Ministries Inc., Podcast

The GHM podcast ministry gives you regular updates about the ministry; the happenings, plans, requests, etc, are shared through this podcast.

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