As believers of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we know that we should always trust the Lord, whether we are in any circumstance or not. At the time of this writing, we know that the world is on high alert, and amid a chaotic situation with the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, the global scope of the issue should not shake a Christian. We know that God can handle any size of a problem because nothing can challenge Him. On the other hand, we need to do our part by following guidelines that are set by health departments for our safety. These two go hand in hand.
We cannot simply invite trouble and say – Lord help me. He won’t.
At times, there will not be much we can do about the situation. It is spreading. However, let us trust in the Lord that He will annihilate this virus if that is His will.
Keep in mind, in times like this, the most powerful tool is prayer. Pray and ask God to help; pray for one another; pray for the families who lost their loved ones; pray for those who are struggling with this virus, and pray that God would help us get through this because only HE can help.
Lives are precious.
Rely on God with all your heart.
Share the Love of God with others. Despite the situation, let us not forget the responsibility of a believer; share the Gospel. We never know. There may be someone who wants to hear the Gospel.
Please know, here at Gospel Heritage Ministries, we are praying.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.
Thank you,
Gospel Heritage Ministries.